
How Much To Put Pavers In Driveway

On this page:

  • How Much Does a Paver Driveway Toll?
  • Computing Costs
  • Labor Costs
  • Material Costs
  • Concrete Pavers
  • Brick Pavers
  • Cobblestone Pavers
  • Preparation
  • Other Driveway Types
  • Gravel
  • Cobblestone
  • Physical
  • Stamped Concrete
  • Become Estimates for Your Paver Driveway
  • References

How Much Does a Paver Driveway Toll?

Quite likely, the most meaning portion of the paver driveway expense, across labor, is the preparation, which volition include a substantial amount of labor besides. This is, of grade, dependent on the soil condition where yous volition place the driveway.

Trigger-happy out an one-time driveway, removing trees, boulders, and landscaping volition increase your labor costs appropriately.

On average a paver driveway installation costs around $xvi,500, and most spend in the $14,000 – $19,000 range on the projection.

New paver driveway using grey concrete pavers

Computing Costs

To notice how much paver base you need for your driveway, check our paver base figurer For a standard two vehicle paver driveway we will utilize sixteen feet width by xl-foot length, or 640 foursquare feet. If you simply want room for 1 car, alter the width to viii or ten feet. The same is true for a shorter driveway.

Use the formula width ten length to come up with the square footage needed. Information technology'southward almost the same as the base calculator, except the depth of the paver bricks are standard. Notwithstanding, you will demand to calculate the pattern layout to avoid waste matter.

Depending on your pattern, y'all might desire to consider ordering 10-xv percent more pavers than the 640, say 700 sq. ft. However, exist careful ordering too much overage, especially with asphalt if the dealer will not accept returns. At $35 – $70/ sq. ft., that overage could cost $2,100 – $4,200.

Labor Costs

Labor generally costs about $9 – $10 per foursquare pes for standard areas and $16 – $twenty per square foot for detailed areas.[1] However, the cost of labor varies past region, and different contractors may accuse different rates for the same project.

Contractors often charge a flat fee for labor and in many cases they combine textile and labor costs into a single price.

Material Costs

Concrete, brick, and asphalt are some popular varieties of pavers that have distinctive looks and vary a bit in price.

Concrete Pavers

Concrete pavers are the virtually toll-constructive option every bit far as materials go. Concrete pavers cost about $15 – $20/sq. ft. installed, which would mean the typical cost of a 640 sq. ft. driveway would exist about $12,800.

Brick Pavers

Brick pavers are about 15-20% more expensive than physical and they also require more than labor to install since they're more difficult to cutting.[2] Brick pavers toll about $20 – $thirty/sq. ft. installed, which would mean the typical cost of a 640 sq. ft. driveway would be most $19,200.

Cobblestone Pavers

Cobblestone is the about expensive material option for a paver driveway.[3] Cobblestone pavers cost most $forty – $75/sq. ft. installed, which would mean the typical cost of a 640 sq. ft. driveway would be about $40,000.


Afterward all the trees, boulders, and landscaping are out of the way, and the area is leveled, allowing for a gentle pitch for rain run-off, if desired. It is not unremarkably necessary since water will drain down through the spaces and gravel.

One time you or your contractor take gathered the materials and equipment, you volition need to lay the gravel base of operations, place your plastic or metal edge, level or fifty-fifty out the gravel base of operations, add together an inch or two of sand evenly, lay the pavers, fill the spaces, and seal the surface if desired. The steps are about the same as for a patio, so bank check our paver cost planner.

Other Driveway Types

There are several different types of driveways you might want to consider equally an alternative to a paver driveway. Although they require less maintenance over time, paver driveways require more than labor to install compared to other types of driveways.[four]

Gravel, asphalt, and concrete are great upkeep-friendly alternatives.


A gravel driveway can work only likewise for yous as a brick paver at thousands less. For our sixteen' ten 40' 10 viii" gravel driveway, you tin figure about 163 yards of gravel or 22 tons. The depression figure for pea gravel is $35 per metric ton, so well-nigh $775 – $800. And then, yous will need to add equipment rental, labor, and training. Apply our gravel driveway calculator to judge costs.


An asphalt driveway is a great-looking culling and volition final for years when sealed and maintained. Yous tin use our convenient asphalt driveway computer to determine how much information technology will toll. The average is about $3 – $six/sq. ft. without the base or sealer added. Therefore, our 16' x 40' driveway is near $5,000.


Concrete driveways expect ameliorate and stay cooler than asphalt in areas with scorching temperatures. The drawback is that physical volition show every oil or grease stain, although proper sealing will lessen the effect and make information technology easier to clean with a force per unit area washer. You can use our concrete driveway calculator to approximate the cost.

Stamped Physical

Stamped concrete typically costs twice as much equally plainly concrete. However, if you had your center set on a paver driveway and couldn't afford it, stamped concrete can be fabricated to mimic paver brick for possibly half the price. Although stamped concrete is not equally durable equally pavers, the cost difference could brand it worthwhile, especially when you add a thicker base of operations of gravel.

The stamped concrete is rated at 9K psi, while the brick pavers are rated at 12K. Therefore, either is capable of supporting even a big SUV, which generally weighs around iv,800 pounds. Stamped concrete will cost about $ten – $xvi/sq. ft., and then our 640 sq. ft. driveway is almost $6,400-10,500.

Get Estimates for Your Paver Driveway

After you have developed your driveway plans, information technology'southward time to get some estimates. You should go three estimates from reputable driveway pavers in your area and inquire them to include two or three options. That way, if yous change your mind almost a method you already accept the toll for the others. Skilful luck and enjoy your driveway.

All pricing information on this folio is based on average industry costs, and is subject field to variance for project-specific materials, labor rates, and requirements.


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